Awesome Stories of BNI Canada

awesome stories BNI Canada

Looking back over the past year to take stock of both the successes and failures is a great way to identify growing opportunities, as well as level up for success. Whether you are an entrepreneur, running a small business or large company, or freelancing, take stock of 2017 and celebrate the wins.

2017 was a spectacular year for BNI Canada, and we’re spreading the news!

The most obviously awesome BNI Canada story is that our members closed 300 million dollars in business through network marketing. We think this is pretty powerful!

We Welcomed Three New Master Trainers

We hired and trained three Master Trainers. Their sole purpose is training directors and executive directors to provide coast-to-coast consistency in processes and communication, and ensure every BNI member gets great value for their membership. Now our directors and executive directors are better supported, and can in turn better support their members for a win/win.

We Redesigned Our Brand To Help You

BNI Canada launched a new brand strategy that will better reflect our unique selling proposition in the marketplace. While our years of experience have always benefited our members, our redesigned branding reflects exactly who we are and our promise to you: what you can expect from BNI, and how we differentiate from other networking groups out there.

As part of our redesign, we launched a website and content marketing strategy –one that’s continually measured and improved upon to help grow membership. A growing membership means more referrals for new business for our members. Five new members doubles each member’s number of warm referrals received.

BNI Leadership Development

BNI leadership is investing massively into its success. We held three retreats for franchise owners to brainstorm and plan on how owners can improve the systems and processes to add more value for the members, and improve the overall member experience. These retreats are an ideal “change of scenery” to inspire new ideas and refresh leadership to better serve its members.

Increased Member Diversity

BNI fosters and promotes connections between its members to form solid working relationships with people whom you may not otherwise for mutual benefits. This past year, members gained access to diverse communities as part of the global shift towards emerging markets. More than ever before, workforce demographics reflect the need to embrace diversity as the norm, and not as a banner slogan boasting their commitment to change. Respect from colleagues should be an inherent part of the intangible gains members receive.

Periodic reflection, whether it’s based on the calendar year or a project timeline, is key to understanding how you’ve attained your successes, show gratitude for the support you’ve received, and plan for the future. At BNI, we plan to continue that practice so we can help make 2018 even better for our members.

What have you accomplished in 2017? Leave us a comment below and we may feature your story in a future blog post.


BNI ’s mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

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